Palmyra Area Food Pantry
Serving Clients in the Palmyra R I and Marion County R II
School Districts in Marion County, Missouri.
Hours of service are Tuesday, 2-5:15 PM at the Palmyra Food Pantry site at 319 West Main Cross, in Palmyra, MO.
A seven member Board of Directors will govern. They will meet on the second Wednesday each month.
An Advisory Council meets quarterly.
Volunteers may help with the many jobs needing to be done: distribution, restocking, cleaning, sorting clothing, etc.
Thanks to the volunteers that have been cleaning and to those that have gone to pick up food.
Donations of goods can be brought to the site during regular hours or by appointment.
Any donor wishing to have a statement for tax purposes detailing the value of goods or cash donated to the Palmyra Area Food Pantry should ideally make the request when the donation is made, but no later than January 25th of the following calendar year.
$$ Monetary donations for the Food Pantry can be sent to:
PAFP Treasurer, % Kelly Anderson at the Exchange Bank, 425 Elizabeth Ave, Palmyra, MO 63461.
Or brought to the Pantry on Tuesdays.
Churches and Clubs are assigned to volunteer for each week. If your group needs to trade with someone, you can contact another group to see if they can trade.